Top 10k strings from Hotfoot (1982)(Microsphere)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   1 rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         
   1 hotfoot   
   1 TZXed by Andrew Barker
   1 Oq"Wl"el|2gl
   1 Microsphere 1982          x
   1 Microsphere
   1 *\l6 !Vl~=
   1 ((((88880000    
   1        HOTFOOT       Score-0That time you scoredThe highest so far!The score to beat isPress any key to play againPress any key to start
   1                 The rabbit is sitting in itshole,its stomach rumbling.Aroundit some fields have carrots sownin them.( The number  of carrotsis shown,a '?' may mean 1 or 9.)    The rabbit must hop into theopen to reach the carrots.The 5,6,7 & 8 keys make it hop (In thedirection shown on the keys).Theopen fields are dangerous. Foxeswill get the rabbit if it  staysin a field too long,and the moreit eats the more plump and tastyit becomes and the faster it hasto hop.But it can only go into anew field if it is safe, that iswhere the colour is the  same asthe field that the rabbit is in.    To win,the rabbit has to eatsome carrots and get back to itshole. But this is well-hidden,soit must remember where it is.